To Contact Board Members or the POA: call 579-2044 or e-mail at
Joe Watts – President, John Csernecky – Vice President, Kerry Jarrell – Treasurer, Sue Hensler– Secretary,
Kelly Wilson – Director, Al Franklin – Director, Diana Mardall – Director, Carol Davis – Director
Merrilee Burns – Co-Editor Linda Rugg – Co-Editor
Bulletin email:
CSPOA website:
Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Message from the Board – Joe Watts, President
The POA office has received many complaints about speeding in our neighborhood. The main thoroughfares appear to be the biggest problem. The speed limit is 25 mph, except on Country Club and Persimmon. The sheriff’s department has dispatched cars several times, and the speed monitoring device has been set up as well. It’s in our best interest to work with the sheriff’s department to solve this problem. One of the great benefits of our community is seeing neighbors walk, run, and bike on our streets and talk with one another. If you witness a speeder, please call or email the office including a time and a street location. We will compile a list and work with the sheriff to direct resources to these specific locations. If you have been in contact with the sheriff’s department, please continue to do so as our POA efforts are in support of the individual members.
The virus continues to affect our local businesses. Usually during the winter months we have seasonal guests that are seeking warmer weather along our coast. These guests are in far fewer numbers this year. All of our restaurants, retail shops, and recreational facilities could certainly use our support. One specifically is our golf course. Everyone who lives in CSPOA has a financial interest in our golf course as our real estate values are tied directly to having an ongoing, successful course. Membership and punch cards are currently available at the golf clubhouse. I encourage every CSPOA member to support the course, by playing golf, eating at the grill, and even if you do not play golf you can buy a membership (flex, individual, or family) or a punch card for your visitors. Our support is critical, because once the course is gone, it’s gone for good. Also please be advised that a large corporation does not own the golf course, it’s a family business.
The lawsuit,” Town of Carolina Shore vs Carolina Shores POA” has ended. A brief is being prepared to inform our members of the outcome. CSPOA fully intends to comply with the Judge’s final order. A member mass email will be sent once the brief is prepared and approved by the Board.
On a final note, we made a request to remove the large grader parked on lot # 44, 64 Carolina Shores Parkway. The grader was removed and we look forward to a positive relationship with our town.
Please remember to notify the office if you change your phone number, email address, name, or mailing address. It is extremely easy to overlook this, but difficult for the office should we need to contact you. Thank you.
How to Submit Articles to the Bulletin
The DEADLINE for submitting articles for the Bulletin is 5:00 p.m. on the 20th of each month for the following month’s issue.
YOU MUST EMAIL ARTICLES to: Do not use the office email. Be sure to include the name of the activity in the “subject” line of your email. Thank you.
Recreation Facilities – Kelly Wilson
With mild temperatures hanging around, pickle ball and tennis have become a year round sport here in Carolina Shores. The Recreation area has been busy also with meetings at the pavilion, ongoing chair aerobics classes almost daily and various other group meetings during the mild weather.
As some have noticed trees in the Recreation Area have been marked and tagged for removal as these are starting to uproot, are dying, diseased, or close enough to our amenities to cause damage to them. As most of these trees are in heavy populated tree areas only a few will be noticeable once removed.
The Recreation area has not undergone any revitalization for many years and is indeed needed. This will in turn help the area with new growth, clean it up and aide in air circulation that is needed.
Please note enclosed with this bulletin are the new Pavilion rules and rental requirements.
During last year and so far this year under the Governors orders we have not be able to open the clubhouse to anyone. Hopefully soon we will be able to open up and have our members able to enjoy what the clubhouse has to offer.
Since it has been closed, the clubhouse itself has undergone some improvements, fresh paint inside, window treatments updated and the outside received new gutters. Pressure washing will be done in the spring to give it a fresh clean look also.
With the past renovations of the offices, updated IT equipment and computers, this will make the clubhouse completely updated without any major work needed.
Please note anyone needing forms can pull these up through the website or make arrangements with our office over the phone. All forms can be dropped of inside the door mailbox at the office also.
With the governor modifying stay at home orders, we will be opening the clubhouse to members on Monday, March1st!
We will open with restrictions to be closely followed. We ask that all members using the clubhouse to PLEASE follow all guidelines set and be self aware of your surroundings. Please note that these are temporary and follow all government guidelines.
- Clubhouse COVID 19 Guidelines -
A maximum of 45 persons are allowed, equaling 30% of occupancy at one time.
Use of the clubhouse, library and bathrooms are on a “use at your own risk” basis as the clubhouse will be cleaned as usual, weekly.
Use of the kitchen at anytime is PROHIBITED. Doors are to remain closed and locked at all times.
Entry to the office through the kitchen is prohibited, and vise versa except for authorized office personnel.
Tables are spaced and marked according to State of North Caroline COVID 19 Guidelines, and are NOT to be moved at any time. Please leave the tables where they are placed.
Face masks “MUST” be worn inside the clubhouse at all times. We ask that everyone is respectful to others around you, and to police yourself on this matter. If you do not want to wear a mask, we ask that you “DO NOT ENTER” during this time.
We look forward to a future where normalcy returns!
Revised 1/28/2021
The following rules apply to the use of the Carolina Shores Property Owners Association Pavilion area. Failure to comply with these rules will result in forfeiture of the security deposit and/or suspension of the sponsor’s right to use POA facilities.
The CSPOA Pavilion shall be available and used exclusively for the enjoyment of CSPOA members and their guests.
To reserve the use of the Pavilion area, a person must be a CSPOA member in good standing with all dues, fines, assessments and liens paid in full. The member reserving the Pavilion accepts full responsibility for the use of the Pavilion area and must be present during the entire event. The Pavilion may not be reserved for use by nonmember individuals or groups.
Use of the Pavilion for “OPEN” activities:
CSPOA groups or members can reserve the use of the Pavilion for one-time activities or regularly scheduled activities by completing and signing an application form at the POA office. For these activities, the first priority is ensuring a space for any Carolina Shores POA member who wants to participate. CSPOA members are allowed to bring outside guests to these activities as long as the presence of guests does not crowd the Pavilion to the extent that CSPOA members are unable to attend. The member who invited the guest must be present at the activity.
Scheduling use of the Pavilion:
CSPOA Groups and members wishing to reserve the Pavilion must visit or call the CSPOA office to verify the availability of the desired dates and submit the required forms. CSPOA groups that use the Pavilion on a weekly or monthly basis must complete a new reservation form each December for the following year.
Use of the Pavilion for “PRIVATE” events:
CSPOA members in good standing may reserve the Pavilion for a private event that is by invitation only, must pay a rental fee of $100 and a security deposit of $75. The maximum number of attendees may not exceed sixty (60) individuals. Reservations for private events will only be accepted at times when the Pavilion is not scheduled for use by CSPOA groups hosting “OPEN” events. Reservations can only be confirmed after receipt of the signed reservation agreement and all monies. Pavilion rentals are for a 4 hour period with additional time for set up and clean up. The available time frame for scheduling is from 8am until dusk.
The property owner who signs the “Pavilion Area Reservation Agreement” accepts responsibility” for the following:
● Rental of the Pavilion area is for social events only. No profit, fund-raising, or partisan political activities may be conducted at the Pavilion area without prior written consent of the CSPOA Board of Directors.
● Members reserving the Pavilion area may not publicly advertise their event, in newspapers, magazines, or on any social media sites and may not charge an admission price or suggest that attendees donate any amount of money. In short, there is to be no collection of money.
● Use of a sound system for music or other types of entertainment at the Pavilion area must not disturb the “quite enjoyment” of nearby neighbors.
● No alcoholic beverages may be sold at the Pavilion area. The CSPOA Board strongly urges members hosting events not to provide free alcoholic beverages. If alcoholic beverages are served or consumed, the POA member or CSPOA organization signing the rental agreement agrees to indemnify the Association, its Board and Members from any damages and or lawsuits that may be caused by or incurred before, during and after the event.
● Members reserving the Pavilion area are responsible for leaving the area exactly as they found it (including removing all of their trash from the Pavilion area, cleaning the bathrooms when the pool is not open and leaving the picnic tables as they were found).
● Rental of the Pavilion area does not include use of the pool, or tennis courts.
● Members reserving the Pavilion area with the usage of the Gas Grills must supply their own propane tank. Grills are to be returned to the storage area, clean and food free.
ACC Corner – Joe Martere, ACC Chairperson
This has been a wet and cold winter so far. The ACC realizes that many owners have been unable to keep up with their property. With the hope of better weather coming soon, we ask that you bring you property into compliance with the Declaration of Restrictions we all must abide by.
This includes:
· raking,
· picking up any debris,
· trimming shrubs,
· cleaning pine straw and leaves from roofs and gutters, and
· power washing any mildew that has accumulated on the home.
I would also remind all members that the parking of utility trailers overnight on your property is prohibited. You are allowed to have your boat and trailer overnight for 24 hours, but you MUST notify the POA prior to it being present. You can notify the office by phone at 579-2044 or to our email address at Messages can be left 24 hours a day.
As always, if you have any doubts about what you are planning to do to your home, call the ACC office and we will help you. You must receive approval PRIOR to commencing any alterations/improvements of your home. Emergencies do not need permits. Please remember that an “emergency is any action required to prevent further imminent damage, or threat to persons.”
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that all our property values are maintained.
Thank you – Al Franklin
Since the Carolina Shores Property Owners Association (POA) annual meeting and election, I am no longer on the Board or will be volunteering at the POA. I told the Board in 2019 that 2019 was my last year and that twenty-two years was long enough, but I was asked to stay one more year because of the lawsuit that the Town of Carolina Shores filed against the POA.
I want to thank the residents for allowing me to serve for so many years. I also want to thank the many Board members and Committee members for their help and cooperation for those years. I cannot forget the office staff. They are the backbone of the POA and there have been many good staff members. They keep everything in order and know where to find everything. Thank you to all who worked in the office for the CSPOA.
I have enjoyed the time.
Alvin Franklin
Knit ‘n Natter – Diana Mardall
The knitting group is meeting in private
homes for now. The meetings for March will be
on the 1st and 15th and 29th at 6:30 p.m.
If you have any questions, email me at or call me at 910-575-7804.
Garden Club – Mary Conover
Our February meeting was cancelled due to
weather and cancellation of our scheduled speaker.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, March 10, with an opportunity to get together under the Pavilion, weather permitting, while practicing all the required safety precautions. Our program will be Mary Keefe, owner of Yardbird Emporium. She will be speaking on Hummingbirds and Bluebirds.
A reminder to members that April is our traditional "Plant Exchange," where we bring indoor/outdoor plants, books, tools, etc. to exchange with like-minded gardeners.
The CS Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of each month, September to May, at 1:00 p.m. Dues are $10/year. The Pavilion is located at the Carolina Shores Recreation Area, next to the Pool. Please contact Joanne Bendy at (910)575-0071 if you have any questions. Meanwhile, stay safe and healthy!
Tennis News – Bob Anthony
Well, same old, same old; we are all leading
dull lives as the covid-19 pandemic keeps rolling on. If you want to put some
activity in your life, I suggest open tennis. This occurs every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at our tennis courts starting at 8:30/9:00 a.m. Hope to
see you out there.
If you are interested in keeping your home values up and your opportunity to play tennis and/or pickleball, I suggest that you attend the next meeting of our POA BOARD to support tennis and pickle ball in our community. There are folks on the board who never played tennis making decisions about our courts that could be detrimental to our courts. Look what happened to the last resurfacing of the courts--need I write more?
The remainder of my article is not really tennis related but has an effect on all living here. It is about the speed limits here in our community. The speed limit within the confines of the POA is 25 MPH. The speed limit on Country Club Road (a state owned and maintained road) is 35 MPH. Neither limit is observed by those folks driving on these roads. In fact, Country Club Road has turned into a speedway when the local Sheriff's Office is not present. They try to enforce the speed limits, but just do not have the resources to do so 24/7. Something has to be done. Why haven't traffic calming areas been established on these roads which will not hamper emergency vehicles from responding to calls? I think it is time for the POA and the Town to notify the state about our dilemma.
Pickleball - Rick Griffith & Sue Berger
March is here and daylight savings starts on March 14 and Spring starts
on March 20. It is getting warmer and our days will be longer. All the more reason to get out and play pickleball.
Pickleball is alive, well, thriving and growing at Carolina Shores! Pickleball
is the fastest growing sport in the U.S. for people over 55.
If you are looking for an active game that is easy to learn, fun to play and a chance to meet new people, then pickleball could be exactly what you are looking for. We will be holding an Intro/Beginners class on pickleball on Saturday March 27 at 12:00 p.m. at the tennis courts in Carolina Shores. Wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. We will have you out on the court and playing that day. Please review the link below, about How to Play Pickleball, before you come. It will help you understand the game.
We have Open Play on Tuesdays and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. at the Tennis Courts in Carolina Shores. Wear Tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. Paddles and balls are available to use.
Pickleball is somewhat COVID safe. The sport is played outside, and 6 feet distancing is maintained most of the time.
Never played and interested in learning? We will teach you. Check out this site on how to play: How to Play Pickleball - USA Pickleball or go to (
Stop by the courts during Open Play and check it out.
Contact us to schedule a lesson or if you have any questions:
Rick Griffith 419.262.3832 /
Sue Berger 919.410.1221 /
We hope to see you at the courts!!
Low Impact Chair Aerobics – Mary Timothy
Chair Aerobics will be
exercising Monday through Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the pavilion. You will need
to bring a folding chair, weights and a bottle of
water. Wear layers of clothing to be prepared. No class if it rains. Hope to
see everyone there.
Care Team – Flo Pflaster
For those of you who have volunteered to
help others by being on the Care Team, here is how you make sure you are
getting notifications when I post a request:
How to control all email notification settings (including groups)
1. Log in to and click your profile picture in the top right corner.
2. Select Settings from the drop-down.
3. Select Notifications from the left menu:
4. Next to Email Notifications, select Edit
5. If you set Updates from your local area to None then you will not receive email notifications from your groups.
6. If you set it to Only top posts or All you will get an email for every new group post. (choose this one)
Note: Adjusting these settings will affect all your email notifications, not just for groups.
If you want to be a part of this team or if you no longer want to be on the list, please let me know. There are not many calls for help, but people are so very grateful for the assistance they do get! It really does not take much to volunteer. Help with a small chore at home, an occasional ride, a temporary need for dog walking, etc. is usually what is needed. So, neighbors, continue to let me know if you need help and I will do my best to find someone.
Thank you,
575-6243 home
368-1070 cell
Book Discussion Group – Susie Riggs
Our February meeting was cancelled due to the cold and rainy weather. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, March 19, at which time we will discuss our two February books, Clock Dance by Anne Tyler and Library of the Lost and Found by Phaedra Patrick, as well as our March selection, The Indigo Girl, by Natasha Boyd. We hope to see all members, as well as any other interested Carolina Shores residents, on Friday, March 19, at 10:00 a.m. under the pavilion next to the tennis courts.
New Neighbors – Flo Pflaster, Margie Pettersen and Charlotte Csernecky
Name: Kim and Steve LaDue
Address: 11 Sand Dollar Ct.
Phone: 803-389-8009
Steve and Kim hail from Ft. Mill, NC. He runs a very large equipment company in the town, and she retired from the FBI. Kim loves to do embroidery and needlepoint, read, play all types of cards and board games, and they both are avid travelers. Steve is an all-around handyman and enjoys doing projects in and around the house. They are excited to be here and are looking forward to becoming active.
Please be aware that during the Pandemic, all visits will be done with social distancing and masks or by phone.
If you recently purchased a home in Carolina Shores and have not been greeted by the Welcoming Committee, please contact Flo at 575-6243 or
In Memoriam
Jenny Folker Janine Sommers William Roberts
Sales and Services
DISCLAIMER: The CSPOA assumes no responsibility for the services provided in the following ads. It is the customers’ responsibility to find out if the service provider is BONDED AND/OR INSURED.
Remember…..Conover Cares! |
“For Sale” ads must be renewed by the 20th of every month to appear in the the following month’s bulletin. Business ads must be renewed every three months as follows: by the 20th of May for June, July and August bulletins; by the 20th of August for September, October and November bulletins; by the 20th of November for December, January and February bulletins; and 20th of February for March, April and May bulletins. |
Pavilion and Recreation Area Calendar for March 2021 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
2 10:00 Chair Aerobics 1:00 Pickle Ball
3 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
4 10:00 Chair Aerobics
5 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics |
6 10:00 Chair Aerobics
1:00 Pickle Ball |
8 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
9 10:00 Chair Aerobics 1:00 Pickle Ball |
10 8:30 Tennis 9:30- Board Meeting 1:00 Garden Club
11 10:00 Chair Aerobics
12 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
13 10:00 Chair Aerobics |
1:00 Pickle Ball |
15 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
16 10:00 Chair Aerobics 1:00 Pickle Ball
17 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
18 10:00 Chair Aerobics
19 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics 10:00 Book Group |
20 10:00 Chair Aerobics |
1:00 Pickle Ball |
22 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
23 10:00 Chair Aerobics 1:00 Pickle Ball
24 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
25 10:00 Chair Aerobics
26 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
27 10:00 Chair Aerobics
1:00 Pickle Ball |
29 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
30 10:00 Chair Aerobics 1:00 Pickle Ball
31 8:30 Tennis 10:00 Chair Aerobics
Recycle Center Schedule Windshield Sticker Required Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 12 noon. Closed Sundays Please check the town website for adjusted hours.
2021 Holiday Schedule: January 1, January 18, April 2, May 31, July 4, September 6, November 11, November 25, December 25.
Click here for your printer friendly version.